Documents required
Documents for
Opening a personal account, change of ownership, and making a contract with private entities:
- A copy of the identification document;
- Statement of residence (for Public Service Centers);
- Copies of Technical Requirements and a project;
- Water meter datasheet (passport);
- A copy of a sales contract, of a gift contract or another legal document confirming the ownership of the real property;
- Certificate of no arrears of water and sewerage charges.
Other documents that might be required:
- State Certificate for a land;
- The sales contract.
Change in a number of residents:
- The statement about the change in the number of residents;
- A copy of the identification document;
- Statement of registered residents (for Public Service Centers).
Temporary departure:
- Application form;
- Inspection report;
- Certificate of no arrears of water and sewerage charges.
- Statement of residence;
- The customer shall provide a lease contract, an inspection report to SCE “Taraz Su” irrespective of a water meter;
- Certificate of no arrears of water and sewerage charges.
Measuring instrument (Water meter):
A consumer of natural monopoly services (goods, works) is obliged to:
1. Pay in full and on time for services (goods, works) provided by a natural monopoly entity at tariffs (prices, fees) established by an authorized body;
2. Pay in full and on time for acquisition and installation of meters used to measure regulated utility services (goods, works) under the terms of concluded contracts;
3. Adhere to any Technical Requirements established by natural monopoly entities in conformity to the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
4. Have meters measuring regulated utility services (goods, works) installed.
For more information, please refer to:
The Law of RK “On Natural Monopolies and Regulated Markets”, Article 11. Obligations of Customer of Natural Monopoly Services (Goods, Works).